Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Technology Built on Heritage



Whether you require an expansion, process upgrade, or new installation, the team at Howe Baker can handle your specific refining needs.

High-Quality Refinery Processing Plant Designs.

Our engineers understand that every refinery project presents a unique set of challenges that are dependent on location, environmental and regulatory concerns, feedstock supply, and prices. We will help you design and construct process units that help ensure maximum return on your capital investment while minimizing operating expenses throughout the life of your plant. The Howe Baker organization is designed to provide you with direct access to company experts in every facet of your project lifecycle.

With Howe Baker International as your refining plant design and construction partner, you can be confident that you are receiving an EPC solution that is reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. Visit our Howe Baker projects for examples of large and small-scale projects completed by Howe Baker.

We meet your specific refining needs by designing and executing projects that:

  • Minimize costs through efficient EPC practices
  • Produce projects that conform to all regulatory requirements
  • Employ environmentally sound practices
  • Optimize Howe Baker-customized or existing designs
  • Use single-point-of-contact management to coordinate concerns of all project participants
  • Ensure timely input from Howe Baker experts as projects progress

As a full-service EPC company, Howe Baker provides a wide range of top-tier services throughout the downstream industry. Our team of innovative designers, engineers, and project managers will work with you to develop solutions that match your project’s unique needs by specializing in the below capabilities.


  • Crude Distillation
  • Vacuum Distillation
  • Naphtha Hydrotreating
  • Distillate Hydrotreating
  • Mild Hydrocracking
  • Catalytic Reforming/CCR’s
  • Hydrodesulfurization
  • Merox™ Units
  • Alkylation
  • Isomerization
  • Crude Desalting
  • Tail Gas Treating
  • Fluid Catalytic Cracking
  • Light Ends Fractionation
  • BTX Units
  • Benzene Saturation
  • Gas Saturation Plants
  • LPG Recovery
  • Asphalt Plants
  • H2/Syngas/CO Plants
  • Sulfur Recovery
  • Amine Units
  • Sour Water Strippers
  • RDU Revamps